XIAMEN - Initial investigation shows the fatal fire that has claimed 47 lives and hospitalized 34 in east China's Fujian Province is a "serious criminal case", local government said on Saturday morning.
A BRT (bus rapid transit) bus caught fire near the Jinshan bus stop in the city of Xiamen at about 6:20 p.m. Friday, said an official from the municipal government.
The police investigation shows that the tyres and oil tank of the bus remained complete. Also the combustion improver was testified as gasoline while the bus is equipped with diesel engine, all suggested that the cause could eliminate safety accident.
The government official said the case is previously identified of a serious criminal case and further investigation is under way.
The State Council, China's cabinet, has sent a work team led by State Councilor and Public Security Minister Guo Shengkun to Xiamen on Friday evening to oversee the investigation of the fire.
The work team has cooperated with provincial government in forming medical plans in carrying out all-out efforts in treatment.
BRT:快速公交系统(Bus Rapid Transit),是一种介于快速轨道交通RRT(Rapid Rail Transit)与常规公交NBT(Normal Bus Transit)之间的新型公共客运系统,是一种大运量交通方式,通常也被人称作“地面上的地铁系统”。
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