“最值得关心的是这将演变成长期的技能短缺,其中流失最快的是建筑,工程的专业人才,以及商人,国家需要这类人才来进行基础设施建设,”Clarius首席运营官Kym Quick说。
房屋业协会(Housing Industry Association)上个月确认了熟练技术工种的短缺情况。
“住宅建筑界,几乎肯定会面临技能工人短缺,”房屋业协会(Housing Industry Association)首席Shane Goodwin说。澳洲留学免费咨询热线:010-68946699转澳洲部!
As Wayne Swan launched the 2010 Intergenerational Report yesterday, business groups demanded reforms and policies to boost productivity amid a shrinking pool of available workers.
According to the report, by 2050 the number of Australians classified to be of working age (15 to 64 years) is forecast to fall from 67.4 per cent to just 60.2 per cent. The number of Australians aged over 65 is expected to soar, rising from 13.5 per cent of the population to 22.6 per cent, placing mounting pressure on the nation''''s health system and social services.
The ratio of workers to those Australians past retirement age will fall from five currently to 2.7.
On current projections, government spending is going to outweigh government revenues by 2.75 per cent of GDP by 2049-50.
While the report emphasises the key role of the government in driving productivity "through investing in infrastructure and skills, promoting macroeconomic stability and providing appropriate microeconomic frameworks", the Treasurer used his launch speech in Canberra to turn the focus back on to business and workers.
"Building productivity, of course, is not just a challenge for government," Mr Swan said. "Ultimately, it is Australian workers and businesses that will deliver the higher productivity -- by skilling themselves up, tooling up and working smarter."
Productivity growth has slowed considerably over the past decade to about 1.4 per cent each year, compared with 2.1 per cent in the 1990s. "This won''''t be good enough for an ageing population like ours," Mr Swan said.
The report said that if productivity growth increased to 2 per cent a year, the economy would be 15 per cent, or $570 billion, larger in 2049-50, GDP per person would be about $16,000 higher and fiscal pressures would be reduced as a result of an enhanced capacity to fund government services.
While the Australian Chamber of Commerce & Industry welcomed the report, its chief executive, Peter Anderson, called for a new round of reforms centred on boosting productivity and workforce participation.
"Our education, taxation and workplace relations systems must recognise the needs of business, and give them the incentive to invest and employ," Mr Anderson said.
"Productivity growth means the economy will be stronger, the commonwealth deficit can be paid off more quickly, living standards can rise without fuelling inflation or job losses, and we can sustain both population growth and our ageing population."
Both the Australian Industry Group and NSW Chamber of Commerce have highlighted the need for policies to attract migrant workers to fill the gap created by the changing demographics.
"This report flags a more active approach to seeking migration for the workforce -- that''''s migrants with skills -- which is supported by business," said the NSW Chamber of Commerce''''s public affairs manager Paul Ritchie. "But to attract people in sufficient numbers you need to have the tax settings so that such people want to come to work in Australia."
According to the report, immigration can ameliorate the ageing of the population because migrants tend to be younger on average than the resident population. About 89 per cent of migrants are aged 40 years or under when they move to Australia.
"The intergenerational report clearly shows the role that a well- structured immigration program plays in offsetting the impacts of an ageing population," said AIG chief Heather Ridout. She said that opportunities existed for further investment in infrastructure, including communications technology, as well as the skills of the existing workforce. Encouraging older workers and women of child-bearing age to remain at work was also critical, she said.
Yesterday''''s report was the first intergenerational report released by the Rudd government.
And while the report notes that workplace participation rates among mature Australians have risen to 58.9 per cent -- above average among developed nations -- it warns that further improvements will not be straightforward.
"Continued improvement in mature-age participation rates will require ongoing policy effort to identify and remove the barriers for those who wish to remain in the workplace," it says.
Barriers include cultural and employer barriers, workplace flexibility, including the ability to work part-time, education, the availability of support services and the tax system.
The report also highlights the role infrastructure investment will have as the population rises to a forecast 35.9 million by 2049-50.
"Over recent decades investment in infrastructure-related industries has been closely correlated with population growth . . . There is a need to increase the future stock of infrastructure through investment," the report says.
"At the same time, reforms which ensure that existing infrastructure is efficiently and effectively utilised will further increase productivity and better enable us to meet future demands."
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